Parents and students of 2nd-6th grade,
You can connect to certain features of Renaissance Learning products (AR and AM) at home by going to the web address, username, and password sent home to you in an informational letter. If you need another copy, please let your teacher know. You will not be able to take quizzes at home, but you can:
1. Check overall Accelerated Reader progress (average grade, points, and book level) and see individual book jackets to check individual titles.(Click View My Bookshelf on lower right and click each book jacket to view details.)
2. Click ARbookFinder at bottom right to check any book for grade level and points.
3. Check vocabulary quizzes.
4. Click Math tab to check Acceleated Math progress on tests and objectives mastered. Also, to work on math practice at home, click on Math tab>Practices and Exercises>Reprint(to print practice sheet)>Score Assignment. (Click on the bubbles to answer and then go back and click score my assignment above reprint and it will score it for you.)
5. Click on Email Setup in the top right to receive emails when your student takes a quiz.
Contact Mrs. Lowery or your teacher for more inforamtion. First grade will be able to connect as soon as they are able to take AR tests and we will send a letter home. Each student's quizzes vary depending on the teacher requirements and the student's ability.